The Central Register buys Norsk Kompetanseregister AS

After many years as competitors, KranTeknisk Forening has decided to sell the Norwegian Competence Register to the Central Register.
Hermod Pettersen, Chairman of the Board of the Norwegian Competence Register – NKR and KranTeknisk forening – KTF, states the following:
«KTF took over the register from the Industry Committee for Crane Training – BUK in 1999 when the committee was closed down. In 1999, it was important for the industry that the registered data and issued certificates were continued by a serious nationwide player. NKR has done so since then, without giving any significant return. Recent developments and the need for digitization have cost NKR a great deal. So instead of borrowing money and taking risks with members’ money, we have decided to sell. We have also seen that the needs of the industry will be covered with the Central Register Foundation as a large and serious player without financial ties to either owners or organizations. KTF therefore believes that this is the best solution for all parties. “
Former competitors
Despite the fact that we competed for the same customers, the Central Register and NKR have had a good and constructive dialogue over the years. It has not always been as easy for proof holders and certificate holders to know whether they should contact NKR, the Central Register or any of the other registers. This agreement contributes to one -1 register having a total overview, and can thus handle the vast majority of inquiries directly. We will work closely with the Central Register in the future to ensure as seamless a transition as possible, says general manager of NKR Arild Nybø.
Take action against the register crowd
In the maritime and land-based industry, the logistics industry and not least in the construction industry, there is a unanimous requirement that there must be an end to the myriad of competence registers. “The acquisition of NKR is a big step in the right direction and will strengthen our register considerably,” says the general manager of the Central Register, Roar Sømoen.
“Through our project K-REG, we will make an effort to gather all information in one place. Among others, EBA, MEF, SFS BA and several public clients support the project, which is now entering the development phase »
In K-REG, it will be possible to register all competence and provide electronic access for employers and clients. A competency certificate APP for mobile phones that can replace the plastic card is also being developed. “Those who want the joint certificate as a plastic card can of course get it, but the expertise can also be shown on the phone,” concludes Sømoen.